

Beyond Traditional White Round Diamonds: Exploring the Different Colors and Shapes of Lab-Grown Diamonds

Lab-grown diamonds are not limited to traditional white round diamonds. They come in various colors and shapes that can add a unique touch to any jewelry piece. This blog post will explore lab-grown diamonds’ different colors and shapes and how they compare to natural diamonds.

  • The Different Colors of Lab-Grown Diamonds:
  • Pink, yellow, blue, green, and even black: lab-grown diamonds come in various colors that can be used in different jewelry designs.
  • Natural diamonds with fancy colors are rare and expensive, but lab-grown diamonds make them more accessible.

The color of lab-grown diamonds is determined by the type of chemical elements added to the growth chamber during the diamond growing process.

The Different Shapes of Lab-Grown Diamonds:

  • Lab-grown diamonds can be cut into shapes, such as round, princess, emerald, pear, oval, marquise, and cushion.
  • Each shape has unique characteristics that can affect the diamond’s appearance, brilliance, and price.
  • The cut of lab-grown diamonds is crucial for maximizing their beauty and value.

How Lab-Grown Diamonds Compare to Natural Diamonds:

  • Lab-grown diamonds with fancy colors or unusual shapes are often more affordable than natural diamonds with the same characteristics.
  • Lab-grown diamonds can be higher in quality and consistency than natural diamonds because they are grown in a controlled environment.
  • However, lab-grown diamonds may still need more recognition from the traditional diamond industry.

Lab-grown diamonds offer a world of possibilities beyond traditional white round diamonds. With their range of colors and shapes, lab-grown diamonds can provide a unique and affordable option for jewelry lovers. The future of lab-grown diamonds looks bright, and we can expect to see more innovations and creativity in the industry.